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A Feral Angel

The feral angel is Ki, a 14 year old girl, who has survived alone on an orbiting biosphere. She returns to a terrifying America warped by genetic fascism that has altered humanity. She is kidnapped? rescued? from a government facility by a group of young escapees from a ‘high IQ zoo.” Among them are Handl, 16, a brilliant mathematician, Pogo, 8, a cyber scrambler, and Nez, 17, a political mastermind —beautiful, seductive and enigmatic. 


In an era of bio-surveillance, they must keep moving - through a black market in a Civil War 2 bomb shelter; the wildlands of the Midwest; and the superficial comfort of wealthy Newland. Like Ki, readers must quickly assimilate to this dystopian world.

Jeannie Troll Muller is a clinical social worker and creative person residing in Santa Cruz CA. She is surrounded by wonderful family, friends and creatures.

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