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A Clever Girl

In 602 A.D. a brilliant foundling, Achtriel, is adopted by scholarly Jews in the Frankish kingdom. She struggles with her physical disability and the arrival of Tirzah, a mysterious African girl.


A Clever Girl : Interregnum

This second book in the series loops back in time, to elucidate Tirzah’s history in Byzantium, and forward,  as her ongoing life in the west progresses.  Achtriel’s story deepens as well, exposing her to new, and sometimes difficult, experiences.


A Feral Angel

A Feral Angel is a female-centric cyberpunk thriller, geared to engage teens and young adults.  The feral angel is Ki, a fourteen-year old girl who has survived alone on an orbiting biosphere. She returns to a terrifying America warped by genetic fascism that has altered humanity.

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